Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU)

The HSA Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) offers exceptional patient care and handles all patient surgeries in a 6-bed and observation room unit.

As the healthcare industry leans towards outpatient post-operative treatment, we prioritize providing efficient care for patients who can return home on the same day. In fact, over 50% of surgical procedures at HSA are performed as day cases.

Our dedicated staff ensures comprehensive support throughout the entire process, from pre-operative preparation to surgical treatment and post-operative care. We strive to facilitate a smooth and timely discharge, enabling patients to receive high-quality care and return to the comfort of their own homes. With the combined efforts of our skilled team and state-of-the-art facilities, we aim to provide exceptional ambulatory care services at HSA Cayman Islands.


George Town Hospital

95 Hospital Road
George Town, George Town
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