The new EMS base began operations effective February 2024 and will be operational from 7 am to 7 pm, Monday – Saturday, and Sunday.
Hon. Sabrina Turner, Minister of Health & Wellness
HSA continues to expand the EMS service by acquiring six new ambulances last year, which possess major design upgrades and advanced medical equipment to improve patient safety and experience, fleet efficiency, reliability, and response times. It has also doubled the space for EMS operations at its central location at the George Town Hospital and formed an agreement with the Bodden Town Chapel Community Centre to be the permanent location of the Bodden Town EMS station once construction is complete. Currently, there are three EMS stations - the George Town Hospital, North Side, and West Bay District Health Centres stations.
The HSA has also provided training opportunities through its Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Programme, a fully funded and accredited programme for Caymanians seeking to start a career in EMS. Graduates of this programme who have joined the HSA have made this department expansion possible.
The temporary new EMS base will be operational from 7 am to 7 pm, Monday – Saturday, and Sunday.
The Church of God also expressed their support for the partnership with HSA and said, “We are happy to provide the location to host the EMS team at our church to help enable them to expand services within the community,” stated Pastor Rose.