Effective 18 January 2022 the price of a COVID-19 PCR test with the Health Services Authority (HSA) has been lowered to CI $75 (previously $120). Certified Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) are CI $25. Only where the Public Health Department has required that testing take place, such as isolation/quarantine exit testing or PCR confirmation of a positive lateral flow test, will the cost be borne by Government (for these testing times and community locations visit  https://www.hsa.ky/public-health/coronavirus/ ). For travel or other screening purposes, PCR test must be paid for by the individual (this testing only takes place at 131 Centre, MacLendon Drive).  COVID-19 Testing walk-in clinic for PCR & Certified LFT (131 Centre on MacLendon Drive, Grand Cayman) Monday Friday 7:30am 12pm Saturday 10am 12pm Sunday 10am 2pm Public Holidays 10am 12pm PCR testing appointments also are available online  www.hsa.ky/appointment .

Cayman Brac Flu Clinic – Aston Rutty Centre Medical Wing • Lateral Flow Testing Monday – Friday 9am-1pm, 2pm-3pm• PCR testing Monday – Friday 9am-12pm• Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays – call for appointment 345-244-7620
Little Cayman Clinic  – call for appointment – 345-948-0072 or 916-5395