- Since the last update on 8 September 2014, five new cases were placed under investigation during the week of 9-15 September 2014. The blood samples were sent for testing at Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad on 15 September 2014.
- Three results were received this week from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). One tested negative, one is inconclusive and one tested positive.
- The patient who tested positive (9-15 September) is a resident of George Town, with a travel history to Jamaica. His onset of symptoms was 2 September. He is no longer considered infectious as he has been symptom-free for over one week. The chikungunya virus is transmitted by mosquitoes biting infected persons during the first week of illness.
- Total number of cases investigated for chikungunya since 25 June 2014 is 36.
- The total results received thus far are, out of 31 test results, six have come back positive, 23 negative and two inconclusive. Results of five blood samples sent on 15 September are awaited.
- Of the six confirmed cases, five have reported a travel history to countries having an outbreak, (two to Dominican Republic, two to Guyana, one to Jamaica). One had no travel history, an indication that the infection was acquired locally.
The total number of confirmed cases of chikungunya has reached six, as at September 15, 2014.